
Breaking Ground in Santa Rosa, Even As Butte County Burns

Commencing foundations work this week for a Tubbs Fire fire rebuild in Santa Rosa is a welcome sight, although bittersweet, as it’s seen in front of a smoky horizon from the Camp Fire, which is proving even more destructive and deadly.


Excavations underway

Excavations underway

It’s been a long recovery process in Sonoma County over the past year, just to get to this point.

It’s the details...

The installation of a custom-designed towel bar, the result of a happy collaboration with East Bay blacksmith Celeste Flores, finishes a Lafayette master suite renovation.


Celeste (find her on Instagram @clay_and_steel) managed to transform several marginally-coherent sketches, a meandering narrative, and a cardboard template into a simple, sophisticated solution that compliments the beautiful Kohler wall-mounted trough sink. Collaborating with such a talented local artisan is a real pleasure and adds so much to the work.

This effort also afforded another opportunity to actually draw directly on the project, a sort of constructive graffiti, photos of which helped bridge the gap between a drafted detail and fabrication.


More later on my other work with this space for details.


Throwback Thursday: JS Residence

Excited to be working with Fred Najera again, diligent framer of outrageous craftsmanship, who brings a centered, positive, focused energy to a project site.

Freddy was kind enough to share some old pics of a previous collaboration in Pleasant Hill back in 2014.

A beautiful view in Pleasant Hill

A beautiful view in Pleasant Hill

Freddy makes it look effortless! Thanks for the pics!

Construction Season 2018 is Underway

A two-story residential addition in Walnut Creek has posed some planning and technical challenges over the autumn and winter months. Bridging over a demolished swimming pool structure demanded (19) 24-foot deep concrete piers and 18x24” grade beams in a side yard along an angled property line with a 10-foot Sanitary District easement.

Now that the weather has afforded the opportunity, it’s time for foundations.

An impressive array of rebar for 1,300 square feet of single-family residential addition.

An impressive array of rebar for 1,300 square feet of single-family residential addition.

Anchor bolt placement

Anchor bolt placement

Friday morning, it all passed inspection. By Monday afternoon , it’ll all be covered with concrete.